Why John Boyega's proclamation for the dark-skinned black woman on the Breakfast Club was a smart move  


 When John Boyega made his premier appearance on the award-winning show The Breakfast Club, promoting the upcoming release of The Woman KingI was prepared for discussions around BLM, and the intersection of the Black British and the African American experience, specifically the fascination within the diaspora across the film industry and Hollywood specifically.

Boyega's swift retorts and banter made for a pleasurable and insightful watch, allowing him the platform to broaden his audience, deepen his relationships with existing fans, and pitch for perspective roles.

However, his interview provided an opportunity for a utopian conversation to be had, which flies in the face of many people's reality, and that is Black Love; specifically dark skinned Black Love. 

In a world where there is a dystopian state of mind that possess the mental state of individuals across the globe about this topic, John Boyega siezed an opportunity to express and communicate his preference in the safe environment of The Breakfast Club  



10 days prior to John appearing on the show, Angela Yee did her segment Rumour Report discussing Kanye West and his ongoing plight with his in-laws.  During that segment Charlamagne De God -  made a statement that was world-changing in that moment - he stated;

"All I hear is why Black Men need to exclusively date Black Women."  

A moment or so later, Charlemagne repeated the sentiment 

"All I’m hearing is why Black Men need to be with Black Women; Black Love is revolutionary -okay."

Of course, the statement is nothing new, but Charlemagne and The Breakfast Club are separately, and collectively acclaimed as cultural tastemakers. From Politicians to SMEs, people work hard to get onto their show, as there is a recognition of the power they hold in elevating a narrative,  covering topics from Mental Health to Fiscal Responsibility, Property Investment to Popular Culture; the Breakfast Club is known to amplify the message of many unheard voices.

Therefore, John Boyega seizing this opportunity to proclaim his love for the Black Woman was an extremely smart move.  He did not ignore the fact that he had once dated a white woman in his younger years, however, this interview allowed him to strategically control the narrative.  This is further validated by Charlamagne’s statement during the interview about understanding the necessity to speak openly about this topic, and express that statement with empathy.



Twitter obviously had a field day with the statement of John wanting a "Blackaty Black Woman" and many were tweet ready to respond, how is there really a 'backlash?’

But the question I pose is this - in the enthusiasm to share are we just grabbing the whip and beating ourselves with it?

Media outlets like The Breakfast Club, Melan Magazine, and Unbothered, lend a voice to specifically showcasing the positive aspects of black culture across the globe.  It is important that we have a clear understanding of how we share and extend the longevity of narratives that do not serve the black community.  There should be a concerted effort to reduce the impulse to pour fuel on the fire by retweeting those negative memes, graphics, and headlines.




Here are a few tips to help promote positive stories that build long-term brands:

  1. When promoting your stories, have your network on hand to support your content
  2. If you are writing a post for your blog, ensure your backlinks are from trusted and positive sources – EG: In this post for The Woman King – the link to the box office is via We Are Parable
  3. Always add your views to the content you are sharing, this will help you to monitor the information you are sharing and hold you accountable. It is easy to forward without thinking, but if you stop to write a comment you will be more circumspect with what you share



 Would you like to learn more about how to build and protect your brand?  Contact FP Comms via [email protected] for further information.