Building my startup series: How do you manage relationships with friends and family that don’t want to pay for your services and products

Question 81

"How do you manage relationships with friends and family that don’t want to  pay for your services and products?"


Sometimes, friends and family can be your customers.  However, managing relationships with friends and family that don’t  want to pay for your services can be tricky. It’s important to remember that those relationships should be valued, regardless of whether or not you’re being compensated for your services. Here are some tips for navigating these relationships:

  • Have an open dialogue. Make sure to communicate with your friends and family about your services, and why you’d like them to consider paying for them. This way, you can avoid any misunderstandings or confusion, and they’ll understand why you’d like to be compensated
  • Offer discounts. If you’d like to offer your services to friends and family, consider providing them with a discount. This way, they’ll be able to benefit from your services, but you’ll still be compensated for your time and effort
  • Find a balance. It’s important to find a balance between providing free services and getting paid for your services. Don’t be afraid to say “no” when it’s necessary

By following these tips and having an open dialogue with your friends and family, you’ll be able to manage relationships with them while also getting compensated for your services.

However, above all, be understanding and respectful of your friends, and make sure to take care of yourself as well.


Here are five key tips to ensure your friends and family accept that you are serious about your business.

  • Show them that you are dedicated and motivated to make your business successful
  • Share examples of successes you have achieved in your business
  • Explain the reasons why you are passionate about the business and how it is meaningful to you
  • Demonstrate how you are taking steps to make your business a success
  • Make sure you listen to their questions and concerns and be willing to discuss them in a friendly and respectful manner. 


Bonus tip:

Send them a schedule link to book an appointment. It could be paid or free, but let them understand that your business is business - 



Question of the day?

Are you a startup or small business whose family and friends do not understand what you do?  Join the PR Club for help with messaging, narrative, and the art of persuasion techniques to change that situation.


#customers #smallbusiness #supporting #investing